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Sanivive carpet cleaning method Nashville TN
Monday-Friday 8 to 5pm

Dry Carpet Cleaning Service

EverClean Nashville provides professional Dry Carpet Cleaning services to the Nashville TN area. With only a two hour dry time, dry carpet cleaning loosens the soils using soap-free, nontoxic cleaning solution. We then scrub the fibers clean using dry-pad agitation and absorption. Our 100% natural cleaner encapsulates any remaining soils that dries to a powder that is vacuumed out with subsequent customer vacuuming.

Dry Carpet Cleaning Experts


  • Good Soil Removal
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Fast Dry Time (2 hours)
  • Minimizes Urine Odor Reactivation
  • Pet/Family Friendly Detergent
  • Soap-Free, Non-Resoiling Detergent
is it worth getting my carpet professionally cleaned?

Dry Carpet Cleaning Includes

  • Expert service technicians that give you valuable information on how to care for your particular fiber composition.
  • Vacuuming: Including detailed vacuuming to remove dust and debris at your baseboards
  • Stain Removal: Most stains are free
  • Soap-Free/Nontoxic Detergent: No sticky residue
  • Door-Guards to keep bugs out and conditioned air in
  • Corner-Guards to protect your walls & paint
  • Floor Mats to eliminate slipping and protect your floors

Additional Services

  • Natural Sanitizer: Add 12% hydrogen peroxide as a natural cleaner, stain remover, sanitizer, deodorizer and brightener.
  • Isopropyl Sanitizer: Add rubbing alcohol for additional cleaning, sanitizing and drying results.
  • Deep-Scrub: Add our machine agitation to deep-scrub your fibers so they are ultra clean.


  • Post-vacuuming required for dry soil extraction
  • Soil extraction not as instant as other methods

Who Should Choose Dry Carpet Cleaning

  • Residential carpet cleaning with light to moderate soils
  • Commercial interim carpet cleaning

How Dry Carpet Cleaning Works

Dry Carpet Cleaning Services Nashville TN

Dry Carpet Cleaning cleans fibers in two ways, soil extraction through absorption, and dry extraction through vacuuming. This dry method includes the application of a special, nontoxic, soap-free cleaning solution that loosen the soils from the fibers. We then scrub the fibers with absorbent pads to extract the loosened soils. Any remaining soils that are encapsulated by dry cleaning detergent which dries with a crystalized coating.

These crystalized, or encapsulated soils do not reattach to your fibers. Instead they are removed by customer vacuuming when the carpet is completely dry. Dry cleaning is great way to professionally clean fibers for a fast dry time and to eliminate the possibility of mold or mildew. EverClean’s Dry Carpet Cleaning service is 100% nontoxic and delivers quality, professional results.

Does Dry Carpet Cleaning Actually Work?

Dry Carpet Cleaning, also known as Very Low Moisture (VLM) and sometimes carpet shampooing, is a hotly debated cleaning method within the floor cleaning industry. I would estimate that most professional cleaners believe that water must be applied as a rinse agent to properly clean fibers. However, Dry Carpet Cleaning is an acceptable method that is acknowledged by many industry manufacturers and professionals.

Dry Carpet Cleaning relies heavily around the detergent used. When applied to soiled fibers, the detergent loosens the soils much like any other detergent, though the difference is how it dries. The technician scrubs the fibers with absorbent bonnet pads to extract soils and moisture, and any remaining dirt and moisture is then extracted by dry vacuuming.

The science behind this method happens after the fibers have been thoroughly scrubbed and in the drying process. As the carpet dries, the special detergent coats the soils and dries to a type of crystalline powder. While the crystals may reattach to the fibers, they are easily removed when the carpet is vacuumed.

Dry Carpet Cleaning is mechanically different from other more common methods, though it serves its purpose. This method requires a customer to realize that the fibers aren’t fully clean until they vacuum. This cleaning method is performed with great success every day by professional cleaning companies.

Additional Information

It should be noted, not all dry carpet cleaning detergents are the same. Some actually never achieve the crystal form required for proper results. This can lead to a build-up of detergent and rapid resoiling, when dirt sticks to the soap. This detergent build up will eventually have to be removed with a steam cleaning service. There are several good quality cleaning solutions for dry carpet cleaning, and choosing a reputable carpet cleaning service is one of the best ways to ensure your success.

Our detergent at EverClean is guaranteed to fully dry without leaving a sticky, soap residue. Once the service is complete, and the fibers are completely dry, you may thoroughly vacuum the carpet to remove any remaining soils that have crystalized. If you have additional questions, contact EverClean Dry Carpet Cleaning Service in Nashville Tennessee.