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Sanivive carpet cleaning method Nashville TN
Monday-Friday 8 to 5pm

What is the Best Carpet to Buy?

I recently had a customer ask me which carpet is the best carpet to buy. Without going into my theory of quantum physics and the molecular structure of carpet fibers, I simply responded “nylon!” As a carpet cleaner, I see all types of carpets ranging from berber to cut pile to even carpet squares. The reason I recommend nylon carpet fiber is because of it’s amazing durability. There are three main synthetic carpet fibers available on the market today: nylon, polyester and polypropylene. Both polyester and polypropylene are oil based and therefore very hard to stain. In fact, only oil can stain these fibers, but that also includes shoes soles, especially those black foam flip flops which rub off like chalk! The bad news about oil based carpet fibers is that they break down within a year of two in heavy traffic areas. Nylon on the other hand wears like a tank. I have seen thirty year old nylon in a home that actually looked in fairly desecnt shape save the retro 70’s colors. The bad news about nylon capret is that it stains easier because it’s more pourous, but most carpet cleaners can remove most stains. In short, I would rather buy carpet that’s going to wear 15 years as opposed to 2 years. Here’s a cheap test before buying, go to a home improvement store and buy both nylon and polyester rope. You will instantly be able to tell the difference in quality.

Viva La Carpet!

EverClean Carpet Cleaning Nashville TN 615-Dry-Fast